Wednesday, August 31, 2011

String Carrots

This recipe is extremely simple and is the basis of my “spaghetti alternative experiment”. I am working on finding ways to make food like spaghetti in both taste and texture without actually being high in fat and calories like traditional pasta. Oh and I’m a little obsessed with peeling things. I find it fun!!! I know, weirdo!
These carrots are great hot off the stove or cooled, and are perfect as a snack or a great side dish.
String Carrots
seasoned w/Peppercorn

String Carrots
3-4 medium whole carrot stalks
pinch of salt
pinch of peppercorn
splash of olive oil

1.     Using a peeler, cut your washed carrots into even long strips cutting from the top of the carrot to the bottom. You will likely end up with a piece of carrot about an inch thick that you can’t seem to get any additional strings from and this is OK. Cut it into 3 or 4 chunks that we will throw in the skillet with the carrot strings. This will help retain the carrot taste through cooking.
2.     In a medium skillet, heat about 1/3 cup of water over medium heat. Add your carrots including the stalk chunks. Use a pinch of salt and peppercorn to season your carrots. Continue to heat over medium heat, turning occasionally, for approximately 5-8 minutes. The longer you cook it the softer the consistency will become. You want them to be “al dente” like noodles but cook them to your preferred consistency. The water should mostly be evaporated into the carrots when they are done. If not, drain them to get out the excess water.
3.     Drizzle olive oil over top. Enjoy.


  1. I'm not allergic to gluten but I love reading through your recipes when I get a chance. They all look so easy! If you're looking for spaghetti substitutes, check out spaghetti squash - I've had it and it is very good w/toppings!

  2. Thank you, Hilary! I'm happy to hear that you enjoy reading my posts and recipes, it means a lot to me. I'm the only person in my entire family who has food allergies and it's impossible to make two sets of dishes for meals, gatherings, etc. So I try hard to make things taste good to both GF dieters and those without restrictions. I'm a big fan of Italian cuisine but it is LOADED with calories and fatty carbs so I'm trying to create "pasta" dishes w/o actual pasta. Thanks for the heads up about squash. I had been debating that one myself. I have plans for carrots, zucchini, and eggplant.
