Thursday, September 1, 2011

Chicken Taquitos

Taquitos, oh, taquitos… how I love thee. I believe you are tied with enchiladas for the best “Mexican” dish in my book. You are crunchy and simple yet full of flavor while being versatile. I can dress you up or dress you down and either way you simply amaze.
If you haven’t had a taquito before, I must say, you are missing out. A taquito or “flauta” is a small rolled up tortilla typically filled with beef or chicken. They are  best described as a cross between a taco and an enchilada. This crunchy dish can be paired with salad, guacamole, queso fresco, Mexican Cheese, Mozzarella, sour cream, salsa, pica de gallo, crema (Mexican Sour Cream), green chili and red chili.   
Chicken Taquitos
w/melted Mexican Cheese, Salsa, & Sour Cream

Chicken Taquitos
(makes 10)
10 flat corn tortillas
2 cups cooked shredded chicken (or other type of meat or cheese)
1 round or wedge of Babel/Laughing Cow semi-soft cheese
10 toothpicks
1-2 cups oil (for frying)
Sour Cream
Mexican Cheese

1. In a medium bowl add shredded chicken and a pinch of salt and pepper to taste. With you fingers, tear small pieces of your babel/laughing cow semi-soft cheese wedge into your chicken mix. Toss with the chicken and mix the cheese well. Set aside.
2. In this step we well be warming the corn tortilla shells slightly. We do this so we can easily roll the tortillas. Otherwise, corn tortilla shells have a tendency to break and crumble. I suggest only heating 2-4 at a time, depending on how fast you can stuff. Place 2-4 tortillas on a plate and pop in the microwave for 20-25 seconds. Remove immediately from the microwave and place a decent strip of chicken meat horizontally across the length of the tortilla (closer to the end) and roll. Place a toothpick through the entire taquito making sure to place the toothpick near the roll flap.  Repeat on remaining 9.
Taquitos placed in skillet
Step 2/3
3. Cover the bottom of skillet with oil, enough to cover the taquito halfway, and heat on Medium heat. Arrange taquito’s side-by-side and cook until golden brown on both sides. You will probably want to turn the taquitos a few times on each side to ensure evening browning.
Taquitos browning
Step 3
4. Remove from skillet and place on a paper towel covered plate to sop up excess oil. You’ll also want to lightly blot the top of the taquitos with a paper towel as well. Remove toothpicks immediately.
Taquitos drying off excess oil
Step 4
5. Eat plain or topped with cheese, salsa, pica de gallo, etc. Enjoy!

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