Friday, September 2, 2011

Fried Ice Cream

No Mexican meal would be complete without fried ice cream. This tasty treat is typically found at traditional Mexican restaurants, and even though it is fried you’d be surprised at how sweet and light this tastes. Best of all, it doesn’t take many ingredients. You’re only five minutes from a yummy treat.

Fried Ice Cream
w/ Chocolate Syrup

Fried Ice Cream
(Serves 3)
3 flat corn tortillas
1/2 cup sugar
3-4 TBSP cinnamon
Chocolate Syrup (or Caramel)
Vanilla Ice Cream
Oil for frying

1. In a small bowl mix sugar and cinnamon together. Move from bowl to plate. Your plate should be big enough to place a tortilla on. Set aside.
2. For concentrated coverage, use a pan or skillet that is roughly the same size as 1 corn tortilla. Pour enough oil in the bottom of the pan to lightly cover the bottom and bring to a medium/high heat. NOT too hot or you will scorch the tortilla causing it to crisp unevenly. After about a minute of heating, place one tortilla in the oil. Allow to fry on both sides, flipping 2-3 times during the cooking, to ensure an even fry.
3. Immediately remove from oil and place on a paper towel covered plate. Using an additional paper towel, lightly blot the top of the fried tortilla. After bloating, while the tortilla is still hot/warm from the fryer, dip into the plated sugar/cinnamon mixture from step one. Flip the tortilla and coat with mixture heavily on both sides. Repeat steps 2 and 3 on remaining tortillas.
Coated Tortilla
Step 3
4. Place coated tortilla on plate and top with 1-2 scoops of vanilla ice cream. Using left over sugar/cinnamon lightly sprinkle over the vanilla ice cream. The cinnamon/sugar will grab onto the ice cream and cover with ease. You can eat as is or drizzle your favorite sweet syrup (chocolate or caramel) over the top. Enjoy!

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